Monday, September 9, 2013


Hi Folks,summer is here and ooh so  intense in the hinterlands of Suratgarh.. (Don't ask what Im doing here and I won't tell!)

So, I went to collect a cake for this pretty teenager's birthday and guess what I saw there? A new (Im not sure if its new but since I havent seen it before so I call it new- "Hum Tum" ice cream Amul Kulfi -the flat round variety that you get in Chowpatty or your old malai kulfi wala who sold it out of  his blanket wrapped tin ice box. ( at least he used to in the years gone by)

The store said that the Amul van had not come by for some days and this is what you get. Heavens -I thought they would make extra trips in summers, but who knows where the problem lies between the buyer and the seller.A few random flavours. 3-4 ice cream cups and two bricks of ice cream.

BTW The cake that was made to order was great.. Heres what we got.

But the ice cream!! Tasted like flavoured bubble bath that got into your mouth while taking a dip in your favourite fragrance ,vanilla,or is it rose, or is it lavender, or.. oh forget it !
The packaging looked different, attractive if I may add..Lots of cashews.
I fed it to my sister who likes ice creams no matter what they taste like.


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